
Nocturnal epilepsy in adults
Nocturnal epilepsy in adults

nocturnal epilepsy in adults nocturnal epilepsy in adults

I don't like sleeping during the day because I generally wake up suddenly and slightly panic because I have no idea what day it is and how long I have been asleep. Diagnosed with generalized idiopathic epilepsy/JME and taking Lamictal- interestingly, the frequency of nocturnals, but not daytime seizures, actually increased.

nocturnal epilepsy in adults

Nocturnals - sudden awakening as if from a really deep sleep, confused, sometimes salivating, with a headache and an altered sensation on the right side of the body. Mostly, seizures start as an unusual, lofty sensation of "being on the edge", then turn into jerks and flashes that make me fall. That frightened me so much I avoided taking naps, especially on buses or trains. I have nocturnal as well as daytime seizures, the latter usually after waking up in the morning, although I first became alert when I started "shaking and dropping" on awakening from naps. not a good time to be having any seizures since afterwards I can't remember ANYTHING at all. I am going thru a very stressful merger at work-they've completely done away with my old job and given me a new one. I am on carbamazapine and neurontin with a VNS although it's not working all that great- I had 3 seizures just this past Monday night.

nocturnal epilepsy in adults

I only have nocturnal seizures myself, and wondered what meds you're on. I have been lost in this website all morning just reading one thing after the other. Thanks for the input I really appreciate it. If you have them at night, is there any specific kind they are? SP, CP, gran mal etc? does anyone else wake up with a horrible headache after a night time seizure? And if so, what do you do to get rid of it or avoid it. He says I do that almost every night! I do have day time seizures too. One night I vaguely remember the bed shaking and I told my husband about it in the morning. 4 out of 7 times a week I would wake up with a horrible headache, the inside of my cheek bitten and exhausted. I just discovered that I've been having nocturnal seizures for years and didn't know it. I have two kinds of seizures it started in fith grade and first in middle of the year my hands went numb and that's when I started to have seizures I told my doctor and he runned test on my hands and the results came normal when I have numb hands I usally can't eat or sleep at night because if my hands go numb at night I will have seizures we went to take EEG and my first one it had brain damage on my right part of brain and when I took my other two it came normal they did catscan and it was normal but around my fall break I started my new medication at that point I had like five a day and I had to go get another EEG but that one was different it was 24 hour EEG I had to spend the night at the hospital and when my doctor read the results it was normal I have to go back to doctor around and of January to have another EEG so he can see if the new medication he gave me around november helped me it's been so tough on me I was adopted and I I was born in russia and when my real mom was pregnate she took alote of drugs maybe it affected me some how. So what you are having is perfectly normal in our e world, talk to your neuro about it, if you have any coserns. sat nite i know cuz it was a violent one and my body still hurts from it. i normally have up to 4 a week but this past week i went 8 days without, but my hubby corrected me, i forgot to write one done in my journal, cuz he forgot to tell me about it, all i knew is i didnt feel good the next day, had a migraine, thought it came on by itself. if i sleep i am scared i will have a seizure. Anytime you have a seizure during sleep they call it noctural, i think that is one of the reseons i have developed insomnia with my depression since my have become uncontrolable.

Nocturnal epilepsy in adults