But our project is only flora and fauna, both to help preserve endangered species and also to document the species with high-resolution cameras. The archaeological site is impressive and the team working here for years is accomplishing a lot their reports are nicely comprehensive. The Bats are the most Famous Aspect of El Zotz Since this June visit was to meet the biotope manager we did not set up camp here.
#Maya and miguel funding how to
Fortunately we had the assistance of the Biotopo team and other helpful Peteneros to explain how to reach the first base camp. Google Maps will show you where the Biotopo Protegido San Miguel la Palotada is located but I am not sure it will tell you which double-rut mud trail to slip-and-slide your 4WD into. I am not sure I would expect Waze to get me here. Biotopo Protegido San Miguel la Palotada is an adventure to reach In Tapon Creek nature reserve, Municipio de Livingston, there is another species of Zygia (larger flowers, deeper color, and stick out much further). There are also Zygia at PNYNN but only one has been found in 3 years. The identical species of genus Zygia are at Bio Itza. The entire initial field trip was worth every kilometer of slipping and sliding through the deep mud ruts when the biotope manager took us on a trail and we found cauliflorous trees. Cauliflory, trees that flower and fruit directly from the trunk This means in the wet season they have standing water and in the dry season they are totally parched dry. Once you find a good satellite image you will notice that the Biotopo Protegido San Miguel la Palotada has small lakes, lagoons, aguadas (water holes) and lots of areas that are seasonally inundated. Most satellite photos are too dark so you have to handle them gentle in Adobe Photoshop. You can use Google Maps satellite view or Satellites.pro to see what the area looks like.